少女Ⅱ Something Childish but very Natural (1913)
マンスフィールド短篇集、幸福・園遊会、他十七篇、崎山正毅・伊沢龍雄訳、岩波文庫1989年(赤 256-1)
、pp.60-61、「子供らしいが、とても自然な」より、この原題は、コールリッジ(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)の同名の詩にちなむ。
原題 Something Childish but very Natural (1913)
…, and then Henry, careful of her slightest movement, went on looking. She sat pressed against the window, her cheek and shoulder half hidden by a long wave of marigold-coloured hair. One little hand in a grey cotton glove held a leather case on her lap with the initials E. M. on it. The other hand she had slipped through the window-strap, and Henry noticed a silver bangle on the wrist with a Swiss cow-bell and a silver shoe and a fish. She wore a green coat and a hat with a wreath round it. All this Henry saw while the title of the new poem persisted in his brain—Something Childish but very Natural. "I suppose she goes to some school in London," thought Henry. "She might be in an office. Oh, no, she is too young. Besides she'd have her hair up if she was. It isn't even down her back." He could not keep his eyes off that beautiful waving hair.
"My eyes are like two drunken bees...' Now, I wonder if I read that or made it up?"
少女Ⅰ:『春の道標』黒井千次 1981年
少女Ⅲ:『巣立つ日まで』菅生 浩 1974年
少女Ⅳ:『野菊の墓』伊藤佐千夫 1906年
| 固定リンク
- 関 曠野「知は遅れて到来する ―ドラマにおける時間について―」(1985年5月)/Seki Hirono, Knowledge Comes Late, On Time in Drama, 1985(2024.07.20)
- 徂徠における規範と自我 対談 尾藤正英×日野龍夫(1974年11月8日)/Norms and Ego in the Thought of Ogyu Sorai [荻生徂徠](2023.08.30)
- What is 'lucid writing'?/ Yukio Mishima (1959)(2023.08.06)
- 「明晰な文章」とはなにか/三島由紀夫(1959年)(2023.08.06)
- 暑き日を海にいれたり最上川(芭蕉、1689年)(2023.08.02)
「Mansfield, Katherine」カテゴリの記事
- 清少納言とキャサリン・マンスフィールド/ Sei Shonagon and Katherine Mansfield(2021.04.12)
- マンスフィールド記念館(2013.07.07)
- 阿部 昭『短編小説礼讃』(岩波新書1986)承前(2011.12.27)
- 少女Ⅱ Something Childish but very Natural (1913)(2006.09.05)
- キャサリン・マンスフィールド「パーカーおばあさんの人生」(2005.12.18)