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2016年4月18日 (月)

百年後のアルマダ / the Spanish Armada a hundred years later

William of Orange III and his Dutch army land in Brixham, 1688 - Glorious Revolution - Wikipedia

〔 In June 1688, a secret invitation to travel to England was delivered to Willem by the anti-kingdom faction (Whigs) in England, which he accepted. At this point, however, Willem was not clearly promised the throne. In response, the Bundestag unanimously decided to support Willem on 29 September.〕

〔Preparations proceeded at a rapid pace and a large expeditionary force was formed by the end of October. It consisted of 63 ships, 15,000 cavalry and infantry, 6,000-7,000 horses, 400 transports and landing craft, 19,000 crews and sailors, and a total cost of approximately 7.3 million frunden (gulden). In terms of scale, this was far greater than the Spanish Armada of 1588, and could be described as a Dutch version of the Armada. Thus, exactly 100 years after the nightmarish Spanish Armada, Britain was to face another Armada. The party set sail from the port of Hereford Slice, near Rotterdam, on 30 October, but were blocked by a strong south-westerly wind and had to turn back the following day; they set sail again on 11 November and landed safely in Torbay Bay, Devonshire, in southern England, on 15 November. In December, he arrived in London, and in February 1989 Willem officially acceded to the throne as William III, Duke of Orange. The Revolution of Honour was thus a success, and the joint rule of Willem and Mary, and the union of the British and Dutch crowns, began. The Oranje family's long-held aspiration to join the royal family was finally realised, albeit in the form of a foreign king. This was indeed an honourary revolution in the sense that it succeeded without the shedding of English blood, but that honour was secured by the prestige of the Netherlands, in other words, by the intimidation of a large force of foreign troops.〕
〔Morita, Yasuichi (ed.), History of Switzerland and Benelux, New History of the Countries of the World 14 (1998), Yamakawa Press.〕

名誉革命=英蘭コンプレックスの出現 (Anglo-Dutch complex)
Glorious Revolution : Emergence of the Anglo-Dutch complex: 本に溺れたい


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