calypso と《哲学》 calypso and philosophy
クワイン(Quine)の論文集"From a Logical Point of Vie",1980, 2nd ed, revisedのはしがきにこうある。
In 1950, having Methods of Logic and a revision of Mathematical Logic in hand, I set my sights on a book of more broadly philosophical character. It proved in the fullness of time to be Word and Object, and the fullness of time was nine years. I foresaw by 1952 that it would be a long pull and became impatient to make some of my philosophical views conveniently accessible meanwhile. Henry Aiken and I were with our wives in a Greenwich Village nightspot when I told him of the plan, and Harry Belafonte had just sung the calypso "From a logical point of view." Henry noted that this would do nicely as a title for the volume, and so it did.
1) Neurath's Ship
2) ブリコラージュと資源論(Bricolage and theory of resources)
| 固定リンク
「知識理論(theory of knowledge)」カテゴリの記事
- Words, apophatikē theologia, and “Evolution”(2024.08.26)
- 塩沢由典『複雑さの帰結』1997年、の「解題集」(2024.08.13)
- DLT( Distributed Ledger Technology ) and Kegon (華嚴 Huáyán)Thought(2024.07.19)
- Can humans communicate with objects?(2024.05.04)
- 愚かな勉強法と賢い勉強法/ Stupid, or Smart Study Methods(2024.04.22)
「科学哲学/科学史(philosophy of science)」カテゴリの記事
- 近代工業技術の人類史へのインパクト/Impact of Modern Industrial Technology on Human History(2024.07.26)
- DLT( Distributed Ledger Technology ) and Kegon (華嚴 Huáyán)Thought(2024.07.19)
- Can humans communicate with objects?(2024.05.04)
- 愚かな勉強法と賢い勉強法/ Stupid, or Smart Study Methods(2024.04.22)
- Kimura Bin, "Il sé come confine", 1997(2023.12.31)
「Neurath, Otto」カテゴリの記事
- 弊ブログ主のインタビュー記事、第2弾(2023年2月)(2023.02.08)
- カテゴリー「Otto Neurath」「選択的親和関係(Elective Affinities / Wahlverwandtschaften)」を新設しました(2022.03.25)
- Knowledge and Evolution: 'Neurath's Ship' and 'Evolution as Bricolage'(2022.03.25)
- 《知識の進化》と《進化の知識》:「ノイラートの船」と「進化のブリコラージュ」(2022.03.25)
- calypso と《哲学》 calypso and philosophy(2017.09.20)