Emil Lask und Heidegger
Emil Lask(1875―1915)
In his Being and Time (1927), p. 218 footnote (German edition), Heidegger wrote: "E. Lask is the only one outside the mainstream of phenomenological research who has taken over the work of the 'phenomenological theory of truth' in a positive way. He then cites Lask's "Philosophy of Law" and "Theory of Judgment". From this we can imagine a little of the importance of Emil Lask. Perhaps today we underestimate the neo-Kantians too much.
Der Einzige, der außerhalb der phänomenologischen Forschung die genannten Untersuchungen positiv aufnahm, war E. Lask, dessen »Logik der Philosophie« (1911) ebenso stark von der VI. Unters. (Über sinnliche und kategoriale Anschauungen S. 128 ff.) bestimmt ist, wie seine »Lehre vom Urteil« (1912) durch die genannten Abschnitte über Evidenz und Wahrheit.(SEIN UND ZEIT p.218ff )
The only person who has taken up these investigations positively from outside the main stream of phenomenological research, has been E. Lask, whose Logik der Philosophie (1911) was as strongly influenced by the sixth Untersuchung (Dber sinnliche und kategoriale Anschauungen', pp. 128 ff.) as his Lehre vom Urteil (1912) was influenced by the above-mentioned sections on evidence and truth.(English ed. p.494 note)
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« Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia / Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) | トップページ | 'It seems to me' から 'I think' へ »
「西洋 (Western countries)」カテゴリの記事
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「思想史(history of ideas)」カテゴリの記事
- Michael Oakeshott's Review(1949), O.S.Wauchope, Deviation into Sense, 1948(2024.08.17)
- Seki Hirono, Unearthing the Forgotten History of Ideas, 1985(2024.07.14)
- 関 曠野「忘れられた思想史の発掘」1985年11月(2024.07.13)
- Otto Brunner, Land und Herrschaft : Grundfragen der territorialen Verfassungsgeschichte Österreichs im Mittelalter, 1939(2024.06.08)
- Kimura Bin, "Il sé come confine", 1997(2023.12.31)
「Kant, Immanuel」カテゴリの記事
- It is difficult to imagine that anyone would be able to improve on this volume in the foreseeable future.(2024.02.20)
- 徳川思想史と「心」を巡る幾つかの備忘録(3)/Some Remarks on the History of Tokugawa Thought and the "mind"(kokoro「こころ」)(2023.06.11)
- 徳川日本のニュートニアン/ a Newtonian in Tokugawa Japan(2023.05.18)
- Wataru Kuroda's "Epistemology"(2023.05.01)
- 黒田亘の「認識論」(2023.04.30)