”White imperialism" and epistēmē or Foucault ‘abused boys in Tunisia’ (2)
I have written my own comments on the Nikkei Business website article and our blog article. I would appreciate it if you could refer to them.
(1) Our comments on the Nikkei Business article (2021/04/14)
Pedophilia and white imperialist suspicions about Foucault, a giant of 20th century knowledge: Nikkei Business e-Bulletin
White imperialism is latent in Western intellectuals, hard to extract. Kant, an advocate of black slavery, went so far as to say that the best thing for blacks was to civilize them, and that was to make them work for whites (this was taken from Marx Gabriel).
Compared to the contemporaneous French neighbors who created the "Friends of Negroes", Kant is somewhat less coherent (=double standard) as a great teacher of ethics. My judgment is that it is better for us non-Westerners to keep it in mind and decide individually whether to "use" or "discard.
(2) Self-comment on our blog post (2021/04/15)
White imperialism" and episteme: Hon ni Oboretai
I would like to add.
In the comment section of (2) above, there are a number of posts "defending" Foucault. I can only assume that these people have a fatal lack of imagination.
If they have a daughter/son around 10 years old, how would they feel if Foucault said to them, "It's okay to have intercourse with your child if it's consensual. Right?"
There is no way I could allow such a thing. You would think that such a person should be thrown into jail as soon as possible, or be sentenced to "punishment by exile" as in the Tokugawa period.
At the very least, it is outside the scope of "human freedom" when it comes to sexual activity between adults and minors (under the adult provision that legally entrenched social conventions).
This resentment is something different from the discourse that Foucault has been working on, I should think, but from a "emotional" point of view, it must be quite difficult. This is my honest opinion.
See (1).
(The above was translated with the help of DeepL.)
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« ”White imperialism" and epistēmē or Foucault ‘abused boys in Tunisia’ (1) | トップページ | A human being is born as a "daughter" or "son" »
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