The Body as Empirical Rationalist
My bedtime routine is to do light exercise. 200 vertical jumps of about 5 cm in height. A round of radio calisthenics. 1000 arm swings using two 0.5 kg iron bells. All of this is done indoors. Every morning, I weigh myself on a Tanita electronic scale. I bought the Tanita six years ago because I felt I was in danger of gaining a little too much fat. I tried various workout routines, and was disappointed when I didn't see any results, so I stopped mid-workout, or skipped workouts with excuses to myself. It has been about 18 months since I settled on my current routine. Even now, I'm not sure if I'm doing it every day, but I've managed to keep up with it, with a few days off in between.
I had a few thoughts, but the one that really struck me was that in order to reduce body fat percentage, you need to increase muscle mass rather than controlling fat intake. The reason why we gain muscle mass when we train is because training causes muscle fibers to be severed, and when the body regenerates them, it does so by making them slightly thicker than they were before they were severed, in order to make them less likely to break.
However, if you stop muscle training for a few days, your body fat percentage will rebound quickly. When you stop training, the body determines that there is too much muscle mass for the load and reduces the supply of protein and other resources to that part of the body to make the muscle mass appropriate for the load.
The same logic applies to brain cells. The more we use our brains, the more synapses we have to increase to be able to withstand the load. Conversely, if you don't use your brain much, your body will reduce the amount of synapses to a level commensurate with the load. The body tries to make better use of resources such as energy and protein to maintain the excess synapses in relation to the load by using them separately.
When I am doing well with the above training, I can maintain a muscle mass of + norm, a body fat percentage of - norm, and a body age that is about 14 years younger than my calendar age. I really believe that the body is very rational and rationalist without ideology.
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