« Bin Kimura, Time and Self, 1982, Chuko Shinsho, "Afterword". | トップページ | 「世界はうつくしいと」長田弘 / I say the world is beautiful(Osada Hiroshi) »

2022年6月12日 (日)

Akutagawa Ryunosuke "Rashomon" Taisho 4 years (1915)

I read Ryunosuke Akutagawa's "Rashomon", 1915.

※参照 芥川龍之介「羅生門」大正4年: 本に溺れたい


芥川龍之介 羅生門(青空文庫)

So, an online search of the circulating interpretations summarized the novel's subject matter as follows.

(1) On human egoism
(2) Is it permissible to sin in order to live?
(3) What is "evil" in human beings (is "evil" relative?)

(1) and (2) seem to be the same in the end as to whether it is permissible to do evil to others in order to live one's own life.
(3) can also be considered in the same category if we consider that good and evil are relative to the circumstances surrounding human beings.

I read this book practically for the first time, and I found it invigorating and encouraging. Simply because I could relate to the misery of the servants, and because I was fascinated by the "strength" of their decision and action to "live evil". I guess you could say that I got a catharsis from the "rebirth" of the servant. This seems to be the most natural way for me to read it now.



« Bin Kimura, Time and Self, 1982, Chuko Shinsho, "Afterword". | トップページ | 「世界はうつくしいと」長田弘 / I say the world is beautiful(Osada Hiroshi) »


日本 (Japan)」カテゴリの記事





« Bin Kimura, Time and Self, 1982, Chuko Shinsho, "Afterword". | トップページ | 「世界はうつくしいと」長田弘 / I say the world is beautiful(Osada Hiroshi) »