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2022年10月10日 (月)

Arrogant Modernity

   The "best" or "optimum" exists in this "world," and humans can obtain it. Isn't this the "Arrogant Modernity"?

 Striving for the best, even if it is difficult, and scheduling the existence of the best move as if it were from God's point of view are similar in appearance, but they are essentially different.

  A wide variety of organism types can survive in a single environmental phase. In other words, there is not necessarily one species that is best suited for one environmental phase. Moreover, through predator-prey relationships, the populations of those species are regulated and (relative) stability of the population distributions of multiple species is restored diachronically. Even the predator-prey relationship is part of that phase.

 The "world" from the point of view of the smallest individual organisms, including humans, is of infinite size. It is a conceit to assume that the best move is naturally available for the "world," and to say "this is the best move" would be tantamount to impersonating oneself as a god. Even if you believe that it is the best move, you must be modest and realize that it is the best move in the minimal "local world" that you have cut out (or had to cut out). That is true "dignity."

  This is what has been missing most from the globalism advocates (or TTP proponents) of the past few decades. And one consequence of this lack of "modesty" is the current "plague" caused by the coronavirus.

※This article is an English translation of 近代の驕り Arrogant Modernity: 本に溺れたい(2020) by DeepL


« 高1数Aの使い道(新型コロナ感染症へのアプローチ)/Consider COVID‑19 using high school mathematics(2) | トップページ | エネルギー危機を深める原発推進/ Promoting Nuclear Power to Deepen the Energy Crisis »





« 高1数Aの使い道(新型コロナ感染症へのアプローチ)/Consider COVID‑19 using high school mathematics(2) | トップページ | エネルギー危機を深める原発推進/ Promoting Nuclear Power to Deepen the Energy Crisis »