Feasibility of freedom/自由の実現可能性
Students who were happy to work on such a particular assignment with such restrictions, and who gave excellent answers, were completely at a loss as to what to do once they were given the freedom to change the restrictions at their own discretion.
Whatever we are, we operate under a variety of constraints. And not all restrictions are bad, but there are "just the right restrictions," and because of these restrictions, there is also the joy of letting the wings of human intellect flap freely.
Masahiko Sato, "Monthly Newspaper," Chuko Bunko, September 2009, "Tanoshii seiyaku" p.103
The above biological and existential condition of human beings is "Gourisei no genkai" (Yoshinori Shiozawa) or "bounded rationality" (H.A.Simon). The reason why this condition must be described as "existential" is that mathematical theory has shown that humans have a limit to the amount of calculation that cannot be exceeded by any means when manipulating symbols and making rational inferences of some kind. In other words, the existence of "constraints" has a positive value for people who have only finite capabilities. In this sense, I argue that "constraints" are a "resource" that frees human behavior. Therefore, the central concept that supports my complex systems theory of history is "historical resource theory."
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「書評・紹介(book review)」カテゴリの記事
- リア・グリーンフェルド『ナショナリズム入門』2023年11月慶應義塾大学出版会/訳:小坂恵理, 解説:張 彧暋〔書評③〕(2024.09.23)
- リア・グリーンフェルド『ナショナリズム入門』2023年11月慶應義塾大学出版会/訳:小坂恵理, 解説:張 彧暋〔書評②〕(2024.09.18)
- リア・グリーンフェルド『ナショナリズム入門』2023年11月慶應義塾大学出版会/訳:小坂恵理,解説:張 彧暋〔書評①〕(2024.09.16)
- 「自尊感情 self-esteem」の源泉(2024.09.08)
- T.S.エリオットによる、ウォーコップ『合理性への逸脱:ものの考え方』1948、への紹介文(2024.08.29)
「複雑系(complex system)」カテゴリの記事
- 塩沢由典『複雑さの帰結』1997年、の「解題集」(2024.08.13)
- 書評:関 良基『江戸の憲法構想 日本近代史の〝イフ〟』作品社 2024年3月(2024.05.13)
- 愚かな勉強法と賢い勉強法/ Stupid, or Smart Study Methods(2024.04.22)
- Glorious Revolution : Emergence of the Anglo-Dutch complex(2023.05.13)
- 黒田亘の「認識論」(2023.04.30)
「Shiozawa, Yoshinori(塩沢由典)」カテゴリの記事
- 塩沢由典『複雑さの帰結』1997年、の「解題集」(2024.08.13)
- 愚かな勉強法と賢い勉強法/ Stupid, or Smart Study Methods(2024.04.22)
- 弊ブログ主のインタビュー記事、第2弾(2023年2月)(2023.02.08)
- 価格を決定するものは、「需要」ではなく、「費用」である(2)/ What determines price is not "demand" but "cost" (2)(2022.12.17)
- What determines price is not "demand" but "cost"(2022.12.15)