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2023年5月24日 (水)

Giuseppe Arcimboldo vs. Utagawa Kuniyoshi(歌川国芳)



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2023年5月18日 (木)

徳川日本のニュートニアン/ a Newtonian in Tokugawa Japan


大島明秀 - 投稿者自身による著作物, による


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2023年5月15日 (月)

初期近代の覇権国「オランダ」の重要性/ Importance of the Netherlands as a hegemonic power in the early modern period

 西欧世界における初期近代(Early modern)である17Cの覇権国は、北部ネーデルランド連邦共和国でした。

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2023年5月13日 (土)

Glorious Revolution : Emergence of the Anglo-Dutch complex

William of Orange III and his Dutch army land in Brixham, 1688 - Glorious Revolution - Wikipedia

 In the first place, during the Augsburg War, the Bank of England was established as a bond-receiving and issuing bank to finance the war effort. The Bank of England thus became a keystone of what P. Dixon calls the 'fiscal revolution' and J. Brewer the 'fiscal military state'. The union of the Dutch and English cohorts (1689-1702) became a military-financial complex. This resulted in a soft landing of world hegemony from the Netherlands to England.
Iwanami Shoten (1999), World History 16: Sovereign States and the Enlightenment 16-18th Century, p.60 (Kazuhiko Kondo, "Early Modern Europe").

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2023年5月 8日 (月)


"Dissertatio medica de nostalgia, oder Heimwehe".
Death by Nostalgia, 1688 | TS Digest | The Scientist

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Origins of 'nostalgia'.

The origins of 'nostalgia' are surprisingly clear: in 1688, a Swiss medical student submitted a thesis to the University of Basel. The original title is as follows.

"Dissertatio medica de nostalgia, oder Heimwehe".
Death by Nostalgia, 1688 | TS Digest | The Scientist

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2023年5月 7日 (日)

"das Haus" as an outer shell of an isolated individual

 "Modernity" has severd 'individuals' from the 'people' who lived in the various circumstances, ties, 'laws' and bare 'forces' of the pre-modern era. This is because 'modernity' has severed people's ties based on a new legal concept of 'rights'. We have happily transformed from nameless 'people' into individuals with their own names. We have achieved freedom.

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2023年5月 1日 (月)

Wataru Kuroda's "Epistemology"

 This article is based on the article "Ninshikiron / Epistemology" in Heibonsha World Encyclopedia, 2nd edition (1999).

 When I happened to take a look at this article, I was so impressed by its excellent contents that I wondered who was in charge of this article, and upon checking the author of the article, I was convinced that it was the late Wataru Kuroda (philosopher, October 21, 1928 - May 31, 1989).

  No wonder, it gives a concise overview of the history of Western philosophy, covers some interesting topics, and concludes by presenting the contemporary significance/issues of "epistemology". One word: excellent writing.

Since this article has a copyright holder and is only partially published (unsigned) on the Internet, it would be illegal to post the full text, even privately, on this blog. However, it would be a shame for this brilliant finding to be buried in an encyclopedia entry. Therefore, as a fan of Wataru Kuroda, I have decided to (secretly) post it on this blog until I receive a request from the copyright holder to remove it.

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