ぼくらはみんな生きている/ We are all alive
'Writing, I said to a friend, is like dropping a stone into a deep well and waiting for the splash. No, he replied, it is like dropping a rose petal into the Grand Canyon and waiting for the bang'. (1)
Now, this is how I could throw in a single petal, too. Let's wait for the explosion slowly, shall we?
May 2004
Hokari Minoru(保刈 実)(1) Greg Dening, Readings/ Writings, Carlton, Vic.: Melbourne University Press, 1998, pp.xix-xx
※Minoru Hokari passed away in Melbourne on 10 May 2004, a few days after this book was drafted. (Ochanomizu Shobo editorial department)
Minoru Hokari, Radical Oral History - Historical Practices of the Australian Indigenous Apolligini, Iwanami Gendai Bunko/ Academic 380, Iwanami Shoten, 2018, pp.314-315, 'Afterword by the author'.
Adapted from.
The above was taught from
Koji Ogawa, What is World History - For "Historical Practice" -, Iwanami Shinsho, Series Historical Synthesis wo Manabu (3), Iwanami Shoten 2023, p.32,.
保刈 実注(1) Greg Dening, Readings/ Writings, Carlton, Vic.: Melbourne University Press, 1998, pp.xix-xx
保刈実『ラディカル・オーラル・ヒストリー —オーストラリア先住民アポリジニの歴史実践—』岩波現代文庫/ 学術380, 岩波書店2018年、pp.314-315, 「著者によるあとがき」
〔引用者註〕上記は、小川幸司『世界史とは何か ―「歴史実践」のために—』岩波新書, シリーズ 歴史総合を学ぶ③、岩波書店2023年,p.32,より教えられた。