« 動物に心はあるか?(2)/Do animals have minds or hearts?(2) | トップページ | 書評:関 良基『江戸の憲法構想 日本近代史の〝イフ〟』作品社 2024年3月 »

2024年5月 4日 (土)

Can humans communicate with objects?

The microwave oven will notify you when it is ready with a "ding! when the microwave oven is finished. Washing machines also buzz when the laundry is finished. A navigation system in a car will say "Happy New Year" to the driver. It is as if a machine is talking to us. Is this communication with things?

*See also
ヒトはモノとコミュニケートできるか? : 本に溺れたい

I would say that this is a form of communication. However, to be precise, this is not communication with objects. It can only be said that they are communication with the human beings who created the objects and incorporated the programs into them.

Reading is communication with objects, but it is easy to see that it is communication with the author* of the book. The book is merely a medium.

*20180609 Notes.
The author when he wrote the book is different from the person he is today. This is because the author may have changed his/her opinion after the publication of the book in question. It could also be said this way: the relationship between creator and its creature is different from the moment the creature leaves the creator's hands, for the creator must assume a different historicity as a different entity. It's like the relationship between parents and their children, and it wears on me.

If there is a guardrail at the boundary between the sidewalk and the roadway, it serves to protect pedestrians from the intrusion of passenger vehicles, and at the same time, it is a message (from the creator) to pedestrians not to step out onto the roadway. The door knobs are round to make them easy for people to grip, but at the same time, the fact that they are easy to grip may also be a message (from the creator) to people to "pull back by gripping here. If there is a stepping stone in the garden of an ancient temple, it is a message to walk there.

Artifacts are easy to understand, but what about natural objects? Animals make their homes in rock crevices and caves, and hermit crabs sometimes cleverly use pieces of artifacts. This should be considered as a projection of use value from animals to objects rather than a communication from objects to animals.

The above discussion is very close to J.J. Gibson's affordance theory. It is easy to understand why affordance theory is often discussed in the field of industrial design and user interface of computers, etc., because it is a kind of communication theory.

*See also
1) James J. Gibson, The ecological approach to visual perception, 2014, Routledge (1979, Houghton Mifflin)
2) James J. Gibson, The senses considered as perceptual systems, 1983, Greenwood Press (1966, Houghton Mifflin


« 動物に心はあるか?(2)/Do animals have minds or hearts?(2) | トップページ | 書評:関 良基『江戸の憲法構想 日本近代史の〝イフ〟』作品社 2024年3月 »

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« 動物に心はあるか?(2)/Do animals have minds or hearts?(2) | トップページ | 書評:関 良基『江戸の憲法構想 日本近代史の〝イフ〟』作品社 2024年3月 »