The following is the text of the monumental paper "The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis" published half a century ago (1967) by Lynn White, jr.
This paper has unfortunately already been forgotten. It is available as a PDF file 〔ダウンロード - lynnwhiterootsofcrisis.pdf〕on the Internet, but I doubt that many readers will bother to search for it. However, I have decided to post this article on my blog because I think it is better to have the text of the article on the Internet to make it easier for people who are interested in the environmental crisis to find it when they search for keywords. However, if the copyright holder requests that the article be removed, we will comply with the request.
※The original article is in English, but Japanese and Chinese translations will be made using DeepL and posted as a separate article from this article.
※cf. This paper is included in
LYNN WHITE, JR. Dynamo and Virgin Reconsidaered: Essays in the Dynamism of Western Culture, 1968, Massachusetts, The MIT Press