The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Johnson said something close, but he was following in others' footsteps. In
Boswell's Life of Johnson, in an entry marked April 16, 1775, Boswell quotes
Johnson as saying (on some other occasion), "Hell is paved with good intentions." Note, no prefatory "the road to..." Boswell's editor, Malone, added a footnote indicating this is a 'proverbial sentence,' and quoting an earlier 1651 source (yet still not in the common wording).*
Robert Wilson, in the newsgroup alt.quotations, provided two other sources prior to Johnson. John Ray, in 1670, cited as a proverb "Hell is paved with good intentions." Even earlier than that, it's been attributed to Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153), as "Hell is full of good intentions or desires." Just how it got to the road to Hell being paved this way, and not Hell itself, I don't know.
注* 下記のサイト参照。
The Samuel Johnson Sound Bite Page
注** この人物については、下記にかなり詳しく書いているのでそれをご覧戴ければ十分だろう。
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投稿: miyau | 2005年12月10日 (土) 23時42分