« 死んでも直らない病→「厚生労働省」 解体すべきなのは社保庁より、その本丸 | トップページ | Mよ、地下に眠るMよ、きみの胸の傷口は今でもまだ痛むか。 »

2007年10月27日 (土)

権力起源論としての「社会契約説」に対する二つの批判(1)/ Two criticisms of the "social contract theory" as a theory of the origin of power (1)



■ Hume の convention 論による批判
A Treatise of Human Nature, by David Hume

Book III. Of Morals
  Part II. Of Justice and Injustice
    Sect.II. Of the Origin of Justice and Property

  This convention is not of the nature of a promise: For even promises themselves, as we shall see afterwards, arise from human conventions. It is only a general sense of common interest; which sense all the members of the society express to one another, and which induces them to regulate their conduct by certain rules. I observe, that it will be for my interest to leave another in the possession of his goods, provided he will act in the same manner with regard to me. He is sensible of a like interest in the regulation of his conduct. When this common sense of interest is mutually expressed, and is known to both, it produces a suitable resolution and behaviour. And this may properly enough be called a convention or agreement betwixt us, though without the interposition of a promise; since the actions of each of us have a reference to those of the other, and are performed upon the supposition, that something is to be performed on the other part. Two men, who pull the oars of a boat, do it by an agreement or convention, though they have never given promises to each other. Nor is the rule concerning the stability of possession the less derived from human conventions, that it arises gradually, and acquires force by a slow progression, and by our repeated experience of the inconveniences of
transgressing it. On the contrary, this experience assures us still more, that the sense of interest has become common to all our fellows, and gives us a confidence of the future regularity of their conduct: And it is only on the expectation of this, that our moderation and abstinence are founded. In like manner are languages gradually established by human conventions without any promise. In like manner do gold and silver become the common measures of exchange, and are esteemed sufficient payment for what is of a hundred times their value.

 上記翻訳は、「esperantoとconvention」 by 「on the ground」 blog様、より


■ Treitschke(Heinrich von)の、倒逆論法(Hysteronproteron)批判

つまり、各人は相手側の契約履行の保障なくして契約関係に入ることができないが、その保障は国家の強制力によって初めて与えられる、だから、そもそも各人が国家を創設する社会契約を締結することができるためには、あらかじめ国家が存在していなくてはならない」 下記PDF、12/43

Politics, (English Edition 1916) Volume One


〔参照〕Adam Smith による社会契約論批判:本に溺れたい

〔参照〕漱石、第一次世界大戦、トライチケ / Soseki, World War I, and Treitschke: 本に溺れたい


« 死んでも直らない病→「厚生労働省」 解体すべきなのは社保庁より、その本丸 | トップページ | Mよ、地下に眠るMよ、きみの胸の傷口は今でもまだ痛むか。 »

Weber, Max」カテゴリの記事

Hume, David」カテゴリの記事

社会契約論 (social contract)」カテゴリの記事





この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 権力起源論としての「社会契約説」に対する二つの批判(1)/ Two criticisms of the "social contract theory" as a theory of the origin of power (1):

« 死んでも直らない病→「厚生労働省」 解体すべきなのは社保庁より、その本丸 | トップページ | Mよ、地下に眠るMよ、きみの胸の傷口は今でもまだ痛むか。 »