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2016年5月18日 (水)

D.ヒューム「市民的自由について」1742年 (David Hume, Of Civil Liberty)


つい先日、意気揚々と掲載した記事と同じ内容を、31歳のヒュームが274年前に論じていた。う~ん、悔しいというべきか、悲しいというべきか。そもそも天からの gift が違うのだろうから、仕方がないか。

Among the moderns, the Dutch first introduced the practice of borrowing great sums at low interest, and have well nigh ruined themselves by it. Absolute princes have also contracted debt; but as an absolute prince may make a bankruptcy when he pleases, his people can never be oppressed by his debts. In popular governments, the people, and chiefly those who have the highest offices, being commonly the public creditors, it is difficult for the state to make use of this remedy, which, however it may sometimes be necessary, is always cruel and barbarous.
David Hume, Of civil liberty, Essays Moral, Political, Literary (LF ed.) (1777年) - Online Library of Liberty


ヒューム(小松茂夫訳)『市民の国について』(下)岩波文庫1982年 , pp.211-212

名誉革命=英蘭コンプレックスの出現 (Anglo-Dutch complex)


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