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2017年4月18日 (火)

Neurath’s Ship

Quine, Willard van Orman
From a Logical Point of View : Nine Logical Philosophical Essays
Second Editon, Revised
Harvard UP
PP.78 - 79

Yet we must not leap to the fatalistic conclusion that we are stuck with the conceptual scheme that we grew up in. We can change it bit by bit, plank by plank, though meanwhile there is nothing to carry us along but the evolving conceptual scheme itself. The philosopher's task was well compared by Neurath to that of mariner who must rebuild his ship on the open sea.

1)calypso と《哲学》: 本に溺れたい
2)レシピと設計図 その科学哲学風考察: 本に溺れたい
3)ブリコラージュと資源論(Bricolage and theory of resources): 本に溺れたい
4)Knowledge and Evolution: 'Neurath's Ship' and 'Evolution as Bricolage': 本に溺れたい


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知識理論(theory of knowledge)」カテゴリの記事

科学哲学/科学史(philosophy of science)」カテゴリの記事

複雑系(complex system)」カテゴリの記事


進化論(evolutionary system)」カテゴリの記事

社会科学方法論 / Methodology of Social Sciences」カテゴリの記事

Neurath, Otto」カテゴリの記事





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