« 誰にも言えそうなことで、誰も言えなかったこと(2)/ What anyone could have said and no one else could have said (2) | トップページ | Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia / Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) »

2018年5月30日 (水)

Gee!! I wish I were a man, I'd join the Navy. Be a man and do it 〔1917〕

Gee!! I wish I were a man, I'd join the Navy Be a man and do it - United States Navy recruiting station /

Gee!! I wish I were a man, I'd join the Navy.

If I had been a soldier fighting in the Great War, I would sooner have got hold of Prufrock than The First Hundred Thousand or Horatio Bottomley's Letters to the Boys in the Trenches. I should have felt, like Mr Forster, that by simply standing aloof and keeping touch with pre-war emotions, Eliot was carrying on the human heritage. What a relief it would have been at such a time, to read about the hesitations of a middle-aged highbrow with a bald spot! So different from bayonet-drill! After the bombs and the food-queues and the recruiting-posters, a human voice! What a relief!
George Orwell, Inside the Whale, 1940

 See  T. S. Eliot vs. George Orwell (1): 本に溺れたい

Gee!! I wish I were a man, I'd join the Navy Be a man and do it - United States Navy recruiting station /


« 誰にも言えそうなことで、誰も言えなかったこと(2)/ What anyone could have said and no one else could have said (2) | トップページ | Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia / Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) »

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米国 (United States of America)」カテゴリの記事

戦争 (war)」カテゴリの記事





この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: Gee!! I wish I were a man, I'd join the Navy. Be a man and do it 〔1917〕:

« 誰にも言えそうなことで、誰も言えなかったこと(2)/ What anyone could have said and no one else could have said (2) | トップページ | Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia / Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) »