« 「愛」という名の「支配」/ "Control" in the name of "love" | トップページ | 孔子様とマイケル・ポラニー »

2021年5月 2日 (日)

Instruction manual for our blog

 As of March 2023, about 2,000 articles (essays) have been published on our blog.

 The content covers a fairly wide range of areas. Social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, pop culture, etc. There is also a comment about a book on set theory (mathematics). Therefore, no matter what your interests are, I believe that there is something you can read if you happen to land on our blog. If you have time, you can find it in the search window on the right sidebar, or in the category list. If you have any questions about any of our articles, the source or sources are usually clearly indicated so that visitors can review them, or we will try to answer them.

 One of the features of our blog is that every article is considered from "historical thinking (generative thinking)" and "theoretical thinking (cyclical thinking)". Historical thinking has the effect of freeing us from the "curse of uniqueness" of "object", or "reality". The purpose of theoretical thinking is to correct our error-prone thinking process and to examine where the error lies in our thinking process when the results are wrong.

 The following people are respected by our blogger and help us out behind the scenes as our intellectual resources (as I like to think of them).

1) Yoshinori Shiozawa's Theory of Complex Systems
2) Max Weber=Umesao Tadao's Theoretical Civilization (or Theoretical History)
3) Watanabe Satoshi's theoretical philosophy (or meta-theory)
4) David Hume's critical insight
5) Seki Hirono's historiography of ideas
6) The opinions of "Verfassungsgeschichte" historians (Ishii Shirow , Murakami Junichi , Bito Masahide)
*The only way to know whether the above resources are really being used in our blog posts is to judge them by the quality of the individual discussions.

 I hope these words will be of some help to those who visit my blog.

*Please also refer to the following article.
私の知的リソース・ダイアグラム/ My intellectual resource diagram: 本に溺れたい
弊ブログ主のインタビュー記事(2020年7月): 本に溺れたい
弊ブログ主のインタビュー記事、第2弾(2023年2月): 本に溺れたい


« 「愛」という名の「支配」/ "Control" in the name of "love" | トップページ | 孔子様とマイケル・ポラニー »



Weber, Max」カテゴリの記事

Hume, David」カテゴリの記事


Bito, Masahide (尾藤正英)」カテゴリの記事

Seki, Hirono(関 曠野)」カテゴリの記事

村上淳一(Murakami, Junichi)」カテゴリの記事

石井紫郎(Ishii, Shiro)」カテゴリの記事

梅棹忠夫(Umesao, Tadao)」カテゴリの記事

Watanabe, Satoshi (渡辺慧)」カテゴリの記事

Shiozawa, Yoshinori(塩沢由典)」カテゴリの記事




« 「愛」という名の「支配」/ "Control" in the name of "love" | トップページ | 孔子様とマイケル・ポラニー »