« 心は必ず事に触れて来たる/ The mind is always in motion, inspired by things | トップページ | 攻撃誘発性としての vulnerability/ vulnerability as an attack provocation »

2022年7月 9日 (土)

「日本語の特徴」加藤周一 2021年/ Features of Japanese Language (Kato Shuichi)


『伝え合う言葉 中学国語3』教育出版2021年、扉ページより


「日本語の特徴」 加藤周一 [1919-2008] 評論家

 Japan has only one "national language" (official language), Japanese. Unlike Switzerland, which has four national languages, or Canada, which has two national languages, Japan is similar to the United States, which has only English as its national language. However, unlike the case of English, French, or German, there is no other country other than Japan that has Japanese as its national language. This creates both great convenience and inconvenience. Convenience is the fact that the Japanese language is understood throughout Japan, while inconvenience is the language difficulties that accompany foreign exchanges.

 Very few foreign languages are similar to Japanese in pronunciation, grammar, and basic vocabulary. Perhaps the language of the Korean peninsula is an exception. Therefore, learning a foreign language may not be easy for Japanese.

 However, during its long history, the Japanese language developed on the Japanese archipelago has borrowed many words and word patterns, mainly from the Chinese language, and has become a richly expressive language. The language has unlimited potential for developing precise ideas and expressing subtle emotions. Japan's science and technology, its legal system, and its poetic poetry would amply demonstrate this.

 Perhaps the greatest cultural legacy of our ancestors is the Japanese language. I think it would be wiser to take good care of it rather than to neglect it.

"Features of Japanese Language" Shuichi Kato [1919-2008], critic


« 心は必ず事に触れて来たる/ The mind is always in motion, inspired by things | トップページ | 攻撃誘発性としての vulnerability/ vulnerability as an attack provocation »


日本 (Japan)」カテゴリの記事

加藤周一(Kato, Shuichi)」カテゴリの記事




« 心は必ず事に触れて来たる/ The mind is always in motion, inspired by things | トップページ | 攻撃誘発性としての vulnerability/ vulnerability as an attack provocation »