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2022年10月30日 (日)

The future as an imitation of the Paradise

 Liang Shuming(梁漱溟), a 20th-century neo-Confucianist who spent his youth as a Buddhist and then, as an adult, became a Confucianist under the Shi Dao, said that the biggest difference between the two is that "Buddhists say that life is painful and hard, while Confucians say that life is fun and enjoyable.

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2022年10月29日 (土)

Die Wahlverwandtshaften / Elective Affinities

"Die Wahlverwandtshaften"
"Elective Affinities"
"Sentakuteki shinwasei 選択的親和性"

 One of Max Weber's most important terms of art in the social scientific method is the following. It appears twice in the renowned "The Ethics of Protestantism and the Spirit of Capitalism".

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2022年10月27日 (木)

Promoting Nuclear Power to Deepen the Energy Crisis /エネルギー危機を深める原発推進

 Shallow minded politicians and bureaucrats are once again trying to promote the construction of new nuclear power plants under the guise of power shortage/energy crisis. Why they love nuclear power so much is beyond me. The nuclear waste produced by nuclear power plants is already dispersed and accumulated in many places in Japan, as much as one round of the JR Yamanote line. In the short term, the promotion of nuclear power plants is a money-grubbing scheme, and in the medium to long term, it will only deepen the energy crisis of the human race.

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2022年10月15日 (土)

エネルギー危機を深める原発推進/ Promoting Nuclear Power to Deepen the Energy Crisis


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2022年10月10日 (月)

Arrogant Modernity

   The "best" or "optimum" exists in this "world," and humans can obtain it. Isn't this the "Arrogant Modernity"?

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2022年10月 7日 (金)

高1数Aの使い道(新型コロナ感染症へのアプローチ)/Consider COVID‑19 using high school mathematics(2)


高1数Aの使い道(新型コロナ感染症へのアプローチ)/Consider COVID‑19 using high school mathematics(1): 本に溺れたい




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2022年10月 3日 (月)

高1数Aの使い道(新型コロナ感染症へのアプローチ)/Consider COVID‑19 using high school mathematics(1)




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