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2023年5月 8日 (月)

Origins of 'nostalgia'.

The origins of 'nostalgia' are surprisingly clear: in 1688, a Swiss medical student submitted a thesis to the University of Basel. The original title is as follows.

"Dissertatio medica de nostalgia, oder Heimwehe".
Death by Nostalgia, 1688 | TS Digest | The Scientist

"morbid longing to return to one's home or native country, severe homesickness considered as a disease," Modern Latin, coined 1688.

 Johannes Hofer(1669-1752) named the phenomenon 'nostalgia,' using the Greek roots ' nóstos ', which means returning to a native area, and 'algos' (>-algia ), a term for pain or grief.

 It has been suggested that there is a literary representation of 'nostalgia' as a 'sensibility' that precedes 'word'.

Edmund Spenser’s 1595 poem Colin Clouts Come Home Againe exemplify a premodern nostalgia.
Coming home again : Johannes Hofer, Edmund Spenser, and premodern nostalgia - CORE

 However, looking at Edmund Spenser's life, it seems to me that it is more 'déraciné' than 'nostalgia'.

 The 'poet of poets', E.Spenser (1552-1599), was roughly the same generation as Shakespeare (1564-1616), so it would seem that modern 'sensibility' was formed before the advent of 'words'.

See also.
1) nostalgia | Search Online Etymology Dictionary
2) Coming home again : Johannes Hofer, Edmund Spenser, and premodern nostalgia - CORE
3) Death by Nostalgia, 1688 | TS Digest | The Scientist


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