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2023年7月16日 (日)

You don’t know what you know

  what we don't know what we  know
We don't know complete ignorance  (A) tacit knowledge, or body knowledge (C)
We know finding and setting up the problem(B) being aware(D)

What is knowledge? And what do the terms "know" and "don't know" refer to? The following is an attempt at a test discussion as a starting point for thinking about this.

Complete "ignorance" is defined as the state of "not knowing what is not known. Then, the state of "know or knowing" can be defined as the state of "knowing what is known. Then, there are two possible paths for the transition from the state of "ignorance" to the state of "knowledge.

Science of Western origin has so far dealt exclusively with the A→B→D pathway, and has achieved remarkable results in this respect. However, it has not paid much attention to the A→C→D pathway. One of the few exceptions is M. Polanyi. I believe that "「悟りSatori enlightenment" in Buddhism represents the process A→C, and the phenomenon of "emergence" may be related to the process C→D.

※The above is an English translation by DeepL of our article "知っていること、知らないこと: 本に溺れたい(2005年5月8日)".


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« "serendipity" and "Kega no Komyo (a blessing in disguise)" | トップページ | 「鐘」と「撞木」の弁証法、あるいは、プロンプトエンジニアリング(1) »