« 動物に心はあるか?/Do animals have minds or hearts? | トップページ | 戦後日本の食料自給率なぜ低下したか?/ Why did Japan's food self-sufficiency rate decline after World War II? »

2023年9月12日 (火)

The genuine "leader" by Peter F. Drucker / 真のリーダー(ピーター・ドラッカー)

The truly "great man" and genuine "leader" looks completely different and acts completely different from the "great man" of popular myth. He does not lead by "charisma" – an abomination and phony. The truly strong man leads by hard work and dedication. He does not centralize everything in his hands but builds a team. He dominates through integrity, not through manipulation. He is not clever, but simple and honest.
Peter F. Drucker, Adventures of a Bystander, 1994, NY, John Wiley, p.155



« 動物に心はあるか?/Do animals have minds or hearts? | トップページ | 戦後日本の食料自給率なぜ低下したか?/ Why did Japan's food self-sufficiency rate decline after World War II? »

書評・紹介(book review)」カテゴリの記事

political theory / philosophy(政治哲学・政治理論)」カテゴリの記事




« 動物に心はあるか?/Do animals have minds or hearts? | トップページ | 戦後日本の食料自給率なぜ低下したか?/ Why did Japan's food self-sufficiency rate decline after World War II? »