Rose petals in the canyon
'Writing, I said to a friend, is like dropping a stone into a deep well and waiting for the splash. No, he replied, it is like dropping a rose petal into the Grand Canyon and waiting for the bang'. (1)
Now, this is how I could throw in a single petal, too. Let's wait for the explosion slowly, shall we?
May 2004
Hokari Minoru(保刈 実)(1) Greg Dening, Readings/ Writings, Carlton, Vic.: Melbourne University Press, 1998, pp.xix-xx
※Minoru Hokari passed away in Melbourne on 10 May 2004, a few days after this book was drafted. (Ochanomizu Shobo editorial department)
Minoru Hokari, Radical Oral History - Historical Practices of the Australian Indigenous Apolligini, Iwanami Gendai Bunko/ Academic 380, Iwanami Shoten, 2018, pp.314-315, 'Afterword by the author'.
Adapted from.
The above was taught from
Koji Ogawa, What is World History - For "Historical Practice" -, Iwanami Shinsho, Series Historical Synthesis wo Manabu (3), Iwanami Shoten 2023, p.32,.
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「歴史 (history)」カテゴリの記事
- 柳田国男「實驗の史學」昭和十年十二月、日本民俗學研究/ Yanagida Kunio, Experimental historiography, 1935(2024.10.20)
- Rose petals in the canyon(2023.10.25)
- 峡谷に薔薇の花弁を(2023.10.25)
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- 柳田国男「實驗の史學」昭和十年十二月、日本民俗學研究/ Yanagida Kunio, Experimental historiography, 1935(2024.10.20)
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「読書論 (reading)」カテゴリの記事
- Rose petals in the canyon(2023.10.25)
- 峡谷に薔薇の花弁を(2023.10.25)
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「社会科学方法論 / Methodology of Social Sciences」カテゴリの記事
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- 柳田国男「實驗の史學」昭和十年十二月、日本民俗學研究/ Yanagida Kunio, Experimental historiography, 1935(2024.10.20)
- リア・グリーンフェルド『ナショナリズム入門』2023年11月慶應義塾大学出版会/訳:小坂恵理,解説:張 彧暋〔書評①〕(2024.09.16)
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- Rose petals in the canyon(2023.10.25)
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- Rose petals in the canyon(2023.10.25)
- 峡谷に薔薇の花弁を(2023.10.25)
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- 「人文系“ワープア博士”」向けクラウドファンディング(2)(2020.09.27)