« Kimura Bin, "Il sé come confine", 1997 | トップページ | It is difficult to imagine that anyone would be able to improve on this volume in the foreseeable future. »

2024年2月16日 (金)

変わることと変えること/ To change and to change

People can change themselves. The world, however, can only change regardless of their will.


« Kimura Bin, "Il sé come confine", 1997 | トップページ | It is difficult to imagine that anyone would be able to improve on this volume in the foreseeable future. »

言葉/言語 (words / languages)」カテゴリの記事






« Kimura Bin, "Il sé come confine", 1997 | トップページ | It is difficult to imagine that anyone would be able to improve on this volume in the foreseeable future. »